More paranoia after Temuco

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J’ai remarqué qu’on s’en fout apparémment un peu de tout en ce qui concerne la finition. C’est sans doute aussi ce qui apporte un certain charme. Par exemple, dans l’hotel “Casa Blanca” a Temuco, les planchers étaient cirées, cirées, et cirées encore. Ils étaient superbes. Par contre tous les bas de portes, les bas des murs et des plinthes étaient baffouillés de résidus de cire rouge. Ici, dans l’hôtel à Puerto Montt, les boiseries des fénestrons ont été recollées avec de la peinture fraîche. Ca les tient un peu ensemble, mais voilà, que la peinture a débordé sur les vitres et qu’elle y est restée. On s’en fout. Le bois est peint, point. On ne va pas se prendre la tête à nettoyer les vitres, ça va pas non, hé, ho, non mais. Et ça, on trouve partout, on s’en fout.

 You cannot come from Europe, spend money eating and drink ing and go pretend you haven’t got any. If you haven’t got it on you, you’re bound to have it somewhere else, that’s sure. And if they want it, they’ll get it, the bad boys.

Your creditcard…..where is it…… what’s the code?!!!!

Your chequebook….. where is it…… lets see your signature?!!!

Your cash…… where is it…… your hotel….. your room ?!!!!!

You haven’t got a hotel?!!! Well, show us where you stay, where’s your sleeping bag?!!! You haven’t got one?!! Is the money in your shoes, in your arse, come on we know you’ve got some, show it to us. Where is it!!!!! We’ve seen you get off the bus yesterday with a heavy bag, a raincoat and a white hat, you didn’t loose it all, hey, where did you hide it,…. how did you pay the bus, expensif, all the way from Santiago. You’re planning to stay in Chile, are you?!! with what money, amigo. Come on give it to us. GIVE IT TO US!

Next time I’ll come to this part of the world, I’ll make sure to carry any kind of workingcontract on me. Some organisation employing me and paying for my stay. Some fake or real, why not, music project. Everything will be paid for. I’m a artist, I haven’t got nothing, no money. When we came to Buenos Aires, we wanted to take a local flight to Cordoba, to save time, fatigue and a wee bit more expensif, not a lot. That’s O.K. if you’re an argentinean, but me, since I had an european passport, I had to pay twice the local rate. So we said : “fuck off” and took the bus for a nine hour travel, the three of us. Had I had a workcontract in Argentina I would have been considered as a local worker and I would have been paying argentine rates like anybody else living in Argentina. Why don’t they give a general price for everybody and let the locals fly for half prices. I know it will turn out exactly the same, but as a guest in the country it would give a slightly more appreciable feel of hospitality. You wouldn’t feel immediately, they want to sqeeze all your money out of you as soon as you enter the place. Even when you leave the country, you must know that you need to save some money, since they installed a kind of illegal airporttaxe (some 50 euros) and if you can’t pay, it you can’t get on the plane and leave the country. Fuck them.

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